Thursday, March 31, 2011

pale static thoughtful

WangCuiXiang sighed you're absolutely right. And going so helpless?mbt uk store The problems plaguing the people under phase princes to which one is not love luxury. The horse home even took me the secret recipe is liu selected rare materials carving chicken have no don't carve out a little wood of delicate BiZi is more expensive than the gold and silver objects in a few minutes. Kenya has been like speaking is now plans.

LiuFuRui facial expression for their work. Home

WangCuiXiang heard the crack feel ChanSheng way inward! You want to do?

LiuFuRui light laughed niang child going to steal the artistry. Learn the horse home

WangCuiXiang plane was unhappy: steal? The gentleman's act! You read the divine sages books are white learned?

LiuFuRui sighed way niang stolen books can calculate steal the? The horse took me home liu can't secret of righteousness horses? I just want to learn a home business to dismount jias righteousness 'two words "in the world will not stand. How much more now to build new child has a new process BiZi.

What kind of new ways WangCuiXiang BiZi puzzled.

Today the world all xi Angle BiZi. Butmbt habari rhino horn raw materials in tang dynasty somebody rare and exotic other contains colloid in tortoise copy that make the raw materials and products also colourful extremely reasonable in price just these manufacturing craft had already lost even some also pose with odd goods made it pretend genuine sell fakes. Child this years in the village times read books found a grandpa li3 manufacturing imitated Angle comb books on top of wrote a secret medicine if coupled with our law of the spices liu surely can become a kind of new BiZi just suffer no money can't developed.

WangCuiXiang eyebrows forested puzzled word with you into Kenya this horse home work? What do

LiuFuRui laughed niang! The horse home was pursuing fame especially this two years as' MaHuaiDe WuCheng righteousness 'claim county everybody knows he can be as africa-almost things against me if I go to horse home not only to his work as a broad heart I can get a arm YueQian just used to research the new BiZi liu I more can learn his horse home precept.charles dickens.

WangCuiXiang sighed: horse home of doing business horse home is famous business he did pile with Labour which one word "righteousness"? You should

LiuFuRui hurriedly arose appease way: niang his horse home of today's climate is not success depends on MaHuaiDe just generally means as the mean if the business also small centaur home can do now so was his body will surely we can learn something.

WangCuiXiang nodded Kenya has is grown up but you don't forget to Kenya to niang oath ten years ago.

LiuFuRui firm location head: I know I LiuFuRui to do a gentleman a good man!The night was already late outside a few of barking. Wicks lights dim burn down. With the needle WangCuiXiang the pick the wick the whole house lighted up many whispered it was getting you to rest!

LiuFuRui laughed alas niang you also earlier break!

WangCuiXiang smiled a line side while continue spinning ways you to rest! It is going to fall ZhangShu home no woman you must give him do a warm clothes.

LiuFuRui want to say what see WangCuiXiang head spin no words but back to house the rest. However rightmbt nama now in his breast is like the choppy sea lying in long failed to calm. LiuFuRui knew her sorrow. He can certainly live up to their parent intention.

Silver moonlight shining on earth to worldly covered with a layer of clear color at the front of the house a few des sauterelles dew under the pumpkin frame cocaine.

'in the break for liu figure beside the house.

Early mist curl up DiaoTi mi-combined. Above CaoCheng YanLiu lines green riverbank wildflower dream-rivers lay the ground and disorderly flocculent are blown. The fishers and live along the river of pushing the boat people early on in the golden canal throw fishing.

The shore with mist curl smoke to mix a group the early children play and chase people live and work good pack the scene. The asahi dyed the grand canal like the rainbow gold a rippling like silhouette rafting.

Horse BiZi already spread home to warm up before. MaHuaiDe carry a hand wipe clean guys stared at the store at the counter.

LiuFuRui ascend the stairs ZuoYi! Good morning sir upon laughed horse

MaHuaiDe heard twist LiuFuRui eyeful is startling sight Zhi how to visit a smile?

LiuFuRui suddenly the noodles take be reluctant respectful way horse master you haven't to know. I that BiZi booth doesn't sell a BiZi for months. My home have months saw no salt, m. My niang since from jail out body always weak now also do not LiQiHuo home no rice cooking it

LiuFuRui sallow complexion MaHuaiDe seen speaking? Oh debility laughed Grain WenXian Zhi but full of the book read saints' minds not total drink the water of thief lake gift the manner of hen how Zhi "now come to my door waiting?

LiuFuRui awe-inspiring horse master your word is WuCheng plute with mercy is highly wiles by how people's scorn and me? You sainted I however is a junior secondary how can you so shame and me? I'm not to give money had seen shop of high hang ministers found I didn't move up idea, to end with you to stall so shame how can you a study of person?

MaHuaiDe see more people more gather around a hen Zhi hastily laughed: Zhi alas I but a joke Zhi why so hen. Since I was in Zhi want to do a hen to not difficult also just do not know Zhi will do? Is then accountants' office or do general tube drudgery.

A LiuFuRui salutes way: horse master without hesitation I can be done first days. Like a horse master satisfaction will I leave if feel discomfort at your store WanSheng work WanSheng never forced.

MaHuaiDe some hesitated but inwardly thought: if really let them starve to death in front of her WuCheng afraid people will be in the county stabbed why don't poke covered the advantage of this opportunity to let this WuCheng the county of all people all shut up. If discover something was wrong grab a chance to him out that is not a piece of cake.

Thought of here MaHuaiDe smile felt mustaches: mbt stakaZhi as hen don't abandon me this temple the ego pour can give a hen Zhi a job but Zhi if disrelish too tired

The horse master if it's WanSheng from will do WanSheng leave! Just please horse master reward mouth meal let me niang of life can also after him.

matter also know that

The two men are know a FuRuFeng with MaCongHui'smbt uk sale natural MaJiang one is MaFu of they the slaves ferial the benefits of MaCongHui got MaCongHui agrees to a FuShouTieEr.

From the FuRuFeng MJC MaCongHui this MaCongHui is only know money for money can put niang Lao tze the Lord. To sneer at

Smart today didn't go to play what? Wait here for the teacher to explore what problem?

MaCongHui cocked his mouth a thick phlegm come out with melon seeds: XianDe ke idle for teacher? Bah! You also match?

FuRuFeng choked with not knowing what to say.

MaCongHui hatry wave a two slaves came not from cent say to come up FuRuFeng dragged into dark above suddenly and violently dozen a diameter.

This is a FuRuFeng literati who are powerless and acid hand ever seen such pomp just repeatedly calls a spare my life. He thought I was the MaCongHui hostler people gave Mr MaCongHui somehow will see money this in his mother's face not with his dilemma. MaCongHui which thought that this is a spoiled PoPi rogue where most of respecting teachers.

FuRuFeng was a burst of disorderly boxing hit two stars by countless boot trample head looked people feel dizzy immediately feel ear drum, gong constantly eyes was in darkness. See venting disappear into the air.

MaCongHui stopped two hands hunkered down in the side FuRuFeng poked tong he: how grandpa's fist right now!

FuRuFeng light gasping for intermittent master said: SengMian see FoMian horse not spare my life somehow.

MaCongHui smile: rao you do! He stood up looked tired sweating two hands but I think rao afraid I the brothers can't spare so still feel boring reward for their few pence Mr Buy drink tea.

FuRuFeng panting with difficult climb up bluntmbt salama MaCongHui provoked thumb: horse master horse master will become the important matter!

MaCongHui sneer at the anointed the wipe haven't grow a beard lips: sir you are also a student the wise today I teach you give up?

Take! FuRuFeng pendency head reached from a few pounds bosom touch WenYin handed over.

MaCongHui took looked at: sir this wasn't enough our brothers (Mr Several tea this decade from my house and you dug lot, right. Women also sleep silver also earned pour you are a clever student!

FuRuFeng sigh a way: meet the master you also suck my luck so young master make a price if I have no master will send if I took my this life

Ha ha! Your life I don't! I just money for you that something I also ignore alas! My niang where there seems to be a good jewelry box how sir you know what I mean

FuRuFeng helplessly should see three departure to MaCongHui figure out with a blood phlegmy.

Home business BiZi shop adoration of horse. Write a horse of the huge written grate comb brand gold plaque in above door-post. First a grate embroidered with days wandering the heroine gathered there towering ahead in the canal. The canal boat idle aboveMBT Wingu the dignitaries hurried and swim the living of IP having crossing the river in the bow can be vaguely see the glittering recruit there.

MaHuaiDe carefree holding the teapot lying on the couch pleasing hum a tune in enjoying small cool river wind heart or not as infused general AIDS.

Now he middle-aged knees pair of children is very touching. Shortly before a trip to jiangnan unexpectedly found their daughter is really amazing.

Mrs. Fear is not calculate calculate million thousands to the evil old woman niang even home the peach blossom tree didn't cut out MaHuaiDe peach blossom and root him there is a peach blossom daughter

Think of lady that zhang dismay or not MaHuaiDe heart's face from laughing.

The peach blossom female MaHuaiDe dark sighed now she has 16 home is not contain hoping to her household seldom find. LiuFuRui right now is the Banks under LiuYin spot four inch square plate BiZi corner of sitting in a wood are written on the cover comb grate remember liu wind dancing. Occasionally a few wearing short unlined upper garment pants pedal vendors, sandals BiZi porters to choose.

He then hope deserted BiZi paved with horse home first grate the rod days a trance thought one day shall the lintel suspension of the signs MaGaiCheng liu.

It was slowly dim down. LiuFuRui packed stall to find his ZhangPingShu meet. ZhangPingShu is now living by cutting wood do carpenters middle-aged. Previous brigade in livelihood five-door slightly bent under the weight of already.

They picked up the rest of the BiZi wordlessly go back to BiZi artisan village.

WangCuiXiang already out at the prison but BiZi village also paid a heavy price.

LiuFuRui saw his mother is the light of an oil lamp spinning weaving dejected way niang you wash clothes especially seam day child now contribute to the family grew up but not let niang ease and huafa early birth, so hard is the boy fault. Niang your child request as promised to give up BiZi liu let me go out with uncle zhang work or subsidies household.

WangCuiXiang heard not words just get up the scissors start to copy loom of the cotton. LiuFuRui saw hurriedly kneeling on one side: empress child know wrong child know wrong child will not stop half way.

You are the only veins liu how animal say such words? You also read a sage who met a little book how to give up this setback and with those who differ audience.poor people? You lee grandpa, too grandpa in underground how to rest!

LiuFuRui argued niang now to new heavy government made the new law is dilapidated can rich qiangming. I just think we BiZi so development liu has gotten down wouldn't. Child just said out work is helpless.

WangCuiXiang already knows wang anshi push the new law and by the conservative opposition; the second phase. Anger gradually disappear sighed tone appearing in the nation's fundamental lies in Kenya, people. The rules were appointed forebear though iconoclastic say but accepted for the world to change is difficult. Spread millennium ancient precept nature has his subtle place. The grandparents on craft exquisite is liu business won the 'days righteousness first grate' name if you abandon this and how it could?

LiuFuRui a slight smile: niang your child mean boy mistake of BiZi mean to carry forward the liu must be new has to adapt the world preferences although say 'not by thing happy to the oneself is not sad' butmbt fora also have the ancients cloud 'time-servers are clever'. This is not in the same way? Liujia must promote need change requires new power a decade ago to niang lee grandpa had to surrender the roast BiZi recipe horse home this recipe BiZi than I do now BiZi horse home that is the fact.

more say more rude gas

MaCongHui immediately jumped up: niang you how so say me?mbt shoes sale Do I not niang own become? The elegant! Fart! Not all chewed up the scenery! You said this tea is the water is thirst after ultimately become a bubble urine and out.

Groom people see him bilges red: your face powder was this little beast more accustomed to side have you seem all didn't spectrum! Go! Give me one to know the study tonight don't want to eat repentance spring sweet belt to study looked at his master.

Did the servant girl hastily aside to study. MaCongHui ritual please

A MaCongHui sleeves wanted to scold on a few words to the relentless horse lady but eye or fade wither follow spring sweet mouth but low voice muttered: ZhiKai I knew ZhiKai I side wall Lao tze to stand you in here * * * * *

He is low head followed spring sweet walk canthus casual glanced the gauze to spring sweet swinging a hot heart

Into the book door sweet turned an embrace ranging from the spring spring: good good sister you really sweet let I smell

Spring incense looked at Mrs Struggled: master master let you side wall

Side wall? She where I stand? Good sister let's also speak heavily shut book door.
Within this bower has only man and FuRuFeng MJCmbt kimondo. FuRuFeng see every where no one also dropped ferial like a gentleman who looked at groom color.
See groom people today wore a long outside the gauze of the yellow chiffon embroidered with random flower in his arms under the gauze concealed. The gauze long-so large under a pair of beautiful leg faint day dream.
Drop tough ilk wisp thin ice oily short crust pastry filled with muscle jade-like stone snow. Take FuRuFeng frivolous stalk carrying groom man's chin.
MJC mouth with a wink qiao, who with spring a pair of watery watched FuRuFeng.
FuRuFeng contain smile a will sit bosom: MJC one embrace darling! You want to know my but for you to stay here.
Groom people don't blame him turkestan tang laughing you instead charming!mbt tariki You these bachelor's mouth is sweeter than anointed the sugar?
FuRuFeng hey hey smile: that do you like? If you do not to hear me tomorrow anointed the balm come again.
Groom people laugh at you! J Here than to my room broth tea?
Did say to me to invite beauty is drink tea of arsenic and I must go.

The JiaoChen hostler people stare at him double buccal dye a full flush up body turned tail and go. FuRuFeng anointed the wipe nasal bottom the hey hey smile to follow.

A little while FuRuFeng go back to the residence. Groom people sorting messy Bob will hear a hurried footsteps.

MaCongHui indignantly, ran in:?

The man looked at the MJC header made with: what? Smart you is more and more extravagant.A little while FuRuFeng go back to the residence. Groom people sorting messy Bob will hear a hurried footsteps.

MaCongHui indignantly, ran in:?

The man looked at the MJC header made with: what? Smart you is more and more extravagant.

MaCongHui sneer at: niang you could fool dad you could fool yourself? Niang! You let me how to behave

Groom a drop of ridicule BiZi turned MaCongHui: how do you look at the person you do not good? You like your father hall. I ask you to my room is also the spring sweet you get started? You and your father is quite like two to the all like this small.

MaCongHui immediately green face 1:00 don't know what to say.

Groom people didn't see distress son to pry comb hair: bronze got don't silly stood spring sweet the menservants was your dad want to help the concubine. I know you don't mind hard breaks you him-self take care of yourself!

The flames of MaCongHui part turned again face stepped forward to holding lick up the thrush stone said: niang to ingratiate you watch your eyebrow the moth on green are broken me give niang fix this.

MJC glanced strabismus with who he stretched out his hand pointing to his forehead: you're a little beast.

Say that finish rose up and went couch edge sought out a golden basket treasure of painting it to open the lid of the red sapphirine inlaid with red, green, yellow inside one only.

Groom people casual picked a three butterfly the jade "MaCongHui wave handed the steps to take, Norwich first blocked the man seized the mouth don't regard play alas! Both of you and your father to always wants me to pick up the pieces.

MaCongHui got steps to said wave is happy to GanNian much bearing the mother! Speak to rush to dedicate a treasure.the took.

Since the MaCongHui got groom men's gold jewelry. MJC FuRuFeng more people and the bold up. Fortunately groom people regard their fame and decent also dare not too unbridled just that FuRuFeng does not always found opportunity to find groom.
If not groom people don MaFu already planted in the notoriety only such wucheng county can dispose the folly had already spread.
This, it is not love MaCongHui in all studied material snaring beer and skittles. Also don't want to FuRuFeng looked at wind two irrelevant. Two dozen saint book cover for their respective XXXXXX pleasures.

Just that more and more MaCongHui appetite notmbt kaya only to groom man of his money also started playing FuRuFeng idea.

This day from FuRuFeng just come out and see ma's gate MaCongHui took two people waiting for him.

gratefulness to sure will

Zhang ping shook her head: rest assured the mbt uk saleold man I niang said composer is our big guy master is also our guys children as long as Lao liu family this only child still in liujia there must be the revitalization of the day that day when we came also.
LiuFuRui suddenly cried: uncle grandpa today I promise I'll certainly be thanked grandfather, uncle I do a good person as africa-almost revitalization

Alas BiZi LiuFuRui sighed: there will come a day but I see you remember even housewife is hope you make a good man you must remember today words don't learn your father don't let others chuo you of back liu.

Although not quite understand about father's things LiuFuRui or nodded said: "grandpa, rest assured I promised my niang to do a gentleman to be good!

BiZi lee let zhang ping buried in the rubble removed under liu changed (jewelry issue to builders. Thank you guys all read aloud the WangCuiXiang repeatedly expressed would help good housewife with a big LiuFuRui keep liujia this last one veins.
In the evening one BiZi lee and LiuFuRui to aunt brought the dinner, while just a bowl of paste ShangLiu BiZi lee with composer still thank repeatedly.

Big shen wipe tears trying to say something but did say not to turn away.

LiuFuRui drink soup is wiped out with their father asked the mouth. BiZi lee sighed picked up smoke pole to smoke in the diffuse carefully with past. Un-newsworthy gambits

LiuFuRui listen to cry Manchester are tears said: grandpa? Why? Why dad can't do a good man? Why kill you?

It's not your pa fault! Is horse home master too cruel! He is greedy for the fame and money so liu to figure out a way to cheat you, dad. You want to understand the world composer than the bad man do more bad than good easy. Don't easy you also want to be a good man it's difficult but Kenya,mbt changa you are not a person and we are all these people look at you and underground sir master at looking at you

Grandpa LiuFuRui tears fell on BiZi lee's bosom hyperventilate: grandpa, I must be good will

Alas! I know my grandpa all know you will be one of the most productive liu master will have more productive than old master

Time and tide wait for no man passed the even if too many people in the heartless life lament years as difficult but time wucheng county can dispose of the grand canal river outside calm the sleepy backwater general slowly runs slowly. Maybe this world only time is the most fair god gives people the gift.

This year MaCongHui has at least 17 known romantic tong customs. He is no longer a child of MengMengDongDong indignities.

He understand a lot of things money can buy all the rich can respectable reading can get power power can seek greater wealth.

Of course give him of all this is instilling the grace of his master Confucianism wind. Can FuRuFeng kindness MaCongHui not brought from his heart hate this appearance, Mr Prince's hate the hypocritical deeply Mr.

This day is the summer MaCongHui is following the noon FuRuFeng horse's garden in the pavilion study in college.

MaHuaiDe out in sailing along the grand canal baching mbt tarikito beautiful jiangnan there not only have the most beautiful silk, embroideries also have the MaHuaiDe warbler YanYan warbler.

FuRuFeng is half squint sleep the sleep like by the fence hands pavilion stalk occasionally shook reminding almost asleep MaCongHui he was listening.

XiaChan are tireless growls a bower in a lake water under sunshine floating the shimmering with colorful reflected glow. Static lying in tablet leaves above water as waves bubbling wave idleness. Few end golden brocade carp play in it.

Floating in the air FuRuFeng greedily fragrant breathing a share the scent will mix into the nasal FuRuFeng suddenly opened his eyes.

See groom people took a girl holding paint color of the MiaoJin curvaceous tea tray on the pontoon bridge.

FuRuFeng hurriedly sat up finishing the clothes.

MaCongHui gave one eye FuRuFeng twisted to look at the blue lotus among daze.

Lady FuRuFeng came and placed a ritual.

Groom people micro picked show eyebrow smiled: sir in teaching don't know little woman excuse me sir teaching not.

Where! Lady can always to check your childe lessons.

Groom people smile let girl on the marble table will tea tray WuCheng this place above: summer hot little women cooked on the pot specially for sir taste good upon put ice way solution to internal heat, or writing.and solution to lack mash. Say that finish lifted a lamp that sweet tea to pass will past.

Thanks FuRuFeng hurriedly wants to take.

MaCongHui saw arose a robbed the past upward drink also as if nothing has occurredly yummy mouth: niang cooking tea really nice this pot of tea son.

Also men agreed to differ groom fished the teapot straight to the tea plugged along his irrigation flowing down the skirt of wet chest.

Groom people saw immediately EMei micro cu: face down to you this is not wasted wise mother tea? Have you so for tea?

FuRuFeng smile shook stalk heavy and sat down again: the ancients cloud a taste for thirst for two cup three cup for swig

Groom people listened to also not angered but JuanZi enfolding her mouth with sand chuckling.

MaCongHui will teapot heavy on round table on the nu scold a way: "who is the cows? Hum! People thirst will have to drink tea are cooked which have points of this windbag there? FuRuFeng shook his head is not interested MaCongHui provocation turned to groom person say: all is me teach misdirected light rush to teach childe study saint books but forget teach childe tea enjoy flowermbt kaya way this but I fault.

Where sir serious. Groom man comforts: this is feeling old wise people are there not sentence 'strong press the minotaur without water'. He! Alas told him Lao tze a DE this life also learn to be elegant.

stop smoking knocked to

BiZi potter BiZi lee creeping village sitting broken mat intimations HanYan smokembt shoes sale around a few old old craftsman kept sigh.

Sitting in the corner LiuFuRui and zhang ping each bosom LiAnPai listened BiZi mind their fate.

BiZi lee finally knock YanGuo: this fire housewife is very strange how can a man lit the fire?

Is afraid is someone who can fire but speci clear

BiZi lee sighed at present the most important is to save the housewife housewife in us these old as the brother or a way of living.

Several old man with a few minutes to gazing indignation ground say: the problem is somebody else if ulterior motives only rare housewife out! Save

Is! Just fire is accused officer so qiao things? Must be counted good.

Is is

Could not save housewife? The once stood up ZhangPingTeng housewife when a woman talking about: the stay in the place that is where housewife can wait?

Shut up! Here are you talk a? The corner to stay! ZhangPingDe father suddenly angry flushed.

Zhang ping opened mouth just will want to say pharynx back in DuRang squatted in the corner of the: what would throw housewife? Person can't

Go to go to take master out play

BiZi lee cough two sound good! Don't say I said shinji you pick up dude don't fit you have a daughter-in-law future if your daughter-in-law don't like how bring? I see little young master or composer followed me! Everyone together than one nursed also strong alas poor families stay together!

Zhang ping churn out a form a long time suppress 1: marry daughter-in-law?mbt kimondo My poor to only two who will marry bed bedrolls house?

You a smelly boy don't think I don't know your thoughts you also know from the home be poor stop dreaming! Toad lusting for swan housewife is you want to? You want to all stains housewife name copy! ZhangPingDe father gas to play up.

BiZi lee pendulum steps: line don't disorderly pull the first now thinking about how to save BiZi housewife liu banner this pole carry there must be the only housewife rise!

Uncle li is a wise men only. Several people with echo.

LiuFuRui sudden kneeling on the ground say: KongXianSheng once said "the gentleman had gold 'but today the composer to each brother-in-law uncle please grandpa's uncle kowtowing uncles must put my niang rescued my niang thank you for my grandparents, uncles and uncles.

Say that finish LiuFuRui were to head BiZi li ke hastily stood up a LaoLei LiuFuRui and pull up his back way: master you knew in the underground gently! Your home in the future will revive him master. Liu home

Time wipe tears all listeners.The in wucheng county can dispose the prison in his dark cell is the day but the ignition odorous filled the air with the release of the burning torches rosin smell.

WangCuiXiang by cell only a window day and night to distinguish the sunshine through alternate.mbt habari For five days and the sun went down five times never know how ever eaten composer is still at school?

A chain of acoustic heavy the cell door tinkling are pushed away ZhiYa BiZi lee and helped each other LiuFuRui walked in.

BiZi lee swung to the dungeon thanks: would the officer was the mai mai!!!!! Thank officer

The officer smile a few hands copper penetration in the metal clash rustling silent prison particularly harsh to the ear.

LiuFuRui puerile TongYin ring out: thank officer ye empress

Kenya WangCuiXiang listen hurriedly from the hay stood up to the cell door toward the wooden fence. She plowed from space outstretched hand: Kenya niang here niang composer in here.

Niang LiuFuRui crying loosen BiZi lee hand holding the ShiHe rush toward to WangCuiXiang before the cell.

WangCuiXiang looked at LiuFuRui tearful turned back to sort out the hair with his sleeves wiped to face just turned around and laughed: Kenya, how do you come.


BiZi lee also tremble housewife to come. Grand

The old man your man this cell you shouldn't come WangCuiXiang moisture big choked back tears.

The housewife you suffer

Don't say so LiLaoBo I have something for you to speak WangCuiXiang got down on my knees.

BiZi lee hurriedly across the cell door holding: ShiBuDe housewife you commanded even housewife wanted me this old bones!

The old man my house without father was born and Kenya, he too poor Kenya is a good boy is Lao liu home only blood is my this life only hope. The old man if true read aloud to your good liu family man slap him mouth can he tugged up just above the self dead also. Master the nether knew would read aloud your good!

BiZi housewife don't say so as long as the village of old craftsman potter had a meal never hungry dude.

WangCuiXiang nodded slowly stood up: LiLaoBo knelt down to Kenya, you henceforth he is you kiss grandpa understand?

LiuFuRui hurriedly kneel to BiZi lee kowtow said: grandpa later I is you kiss a grandson.

Dude this is not you fold my life? Dude quick rise. The BiZi LiFuQi said to WangCuiXiang said: LiuFuRui housewife rest assured we a few are pooled put you save out. Liujia not without you.

WangCuiXiang sneer at: the old man don't costly the stay! Since they I got in absolutely not so easily let me out. The old man you really want to save me can help I owed his first "? My rubble and a little money that's had just got in the door TaiFuRen sent when a piece of jewelry you help me when. Everyone is poor people I can't let them do the live without money. Lao liu home not to do it liujia fame can't hurt in my hand.

Housewife you to now also thinking about us

Lao liu home hundreds of years by 'righteousness' is undeniable word I can't let people chuo we Lao liu family man stabbed said we don't you understand righteousness? The money has to everyone they send wages don't gratis. They even terrible this beast but compare money can't satisfy the them.

He spoke to the officer walked to come over jostled: good good time to walk away
LiuFuRui followed BiZi lee returned to the early BiZi artisan village in zhang ping entrance saw two people back hurriedly was greeted with the BiZi lee concern with LiBo see asked the: housewife? She? How to say?

Alas! Housewife that we don't save her don't waste money alas!

Zhang ping some puzzled thought will bite a tooth hum track: this help a dog officer

BiZi lee wave to looked at the side of the composer LiuFuRui: hirako later on we fact had a stuttering enjoy housewife said housewifembt staka mouth now going to raise dude you want to really think son Pacific housewife good must help bring raised. The composer housewife

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

just up to the main

SiTuChen car before in an a person of extraordinary powers curtilage slowed.mbt uk store A video camera to license plate, owner of door of carve patterns or designs on woodwork strafing then opened automatically. The car after the garden, swimming pool and tennis courts house before wearing clothes servants wait here. They respect SiTuChen opened the car door for Mr Said: welcome home!

??All go down. Rightness let jade sister-in-law put bath cook for another cup of hot milk.


??Even if SiTuChen side of the woman embrace great curiosity but servants or well-advised ShouZhu his eye. They know that if sir start fire to it's not fun. But exactly which miss have such charm unexpectedly let sir bring her home for the night? Want to know this but sir first took the woman back!

??In the SiTuChen with LengChe behind the impulse to endure turned and ran. SiTuChen villa large and very luxuriant with former cold par compared is home. But, despite its bright lights but the villa or cold scary.

??Through black marble floor sat in a crystal droplight LengChe dull looking under the table on the red velvet tablecloth nervous nipped lips. Over the years she's first time to man overnight and this man or he once slave...

??How would SiTuChen for me? Like we did last time hit me? For I did to him so ruthless he absolutely not pass my truth. I know he didn't love me and I got married also just to humiliate me just. But for the mother I also can yield not? LengChe LengChe how you end up so fields?

??LengChe remembered SiTuChen tyrannyMBT Tupu eyebrow tightly knit together face was covered with dismal. SiTuChen watched her expression heart really don't know is this angry or this joy.

??LengChe you finally understand your position also understand my status is very good. I said he owed me cold house, you owe me will repay by you slowly. Our time is long, very long forever...

??He looked at LengChe but see deeply a few strands of black hair reached down to her forehead blocked her pale face. SiTuChen heart in a soft subconscious for her hair to le shun. But his fingertips just touching her cheeks are having a flutter LengChe loathe turn aside. Her eyes full of fear and hatred is SiTuChen angry look. As he wanted to give LengChe color looked jade sister-in-law came. She is a years about forty, face kind of female not tall shape micro fat a face of gentleness.

??Sir bath has put this is your milk. Do you have any command?

??SiTuChen looking on the milk on the table and see LengChe thought for a minute then say: help me find a woman's pajamas. Give her clothes.

??Is. Just for this young lady is their house and wear pajamas I tomorrow will be dedicated to buy.MBT Wave If you don't mind I miss something new miss silk pajamas tonight to wear this?

??Jade sister-in-law you need not ask her opinion first take your pajamas for her alone. And she also not is what miss just my slave just. You BiaoZhunFen her according to maid after work. If do not literally you disciplined.

??Is sir.

??Even if heart doubt jade sister-in-law or respectful answer. But her heart secretly determined won't embarrass this delicate miss. The young lady exactly is who? Is the girlfriend? Mr. Watch sir expression of her plainly are accounted for but why he would say such words of indifference?SiTuChen smiled at her nervous like hawks watching chick meaningless struggles. He stared at her straight until LengChe face slightly extensive red to get milk to her: drank it then bath bed.

I don't drink.

Drank it. Don't let me say the second time.

I said no to drink! SiTuChen are you sick? You know I never drink milk! LengChe angry stood up. I dislike you so ordered me!

SiTuChen no longer speak with the hand of her jaw then broke it under the milk jinshu irrigation. LengChe struggled hard but how she is SiTuChen competitors? She had not the proud SiTuChen nor the other, as she beat and scold of man!

In SiTuChen forced LengChe was forced to drink the milk but under a sour stomach it jinshu spit it out. She severe cough up face was covered with tears and milk stains wu wear the chest vomit nonstop. SiTuChen looked at her shabby appearance appearance suddenly realize: so you really do not drink milk. I've always felt that you are fragile love drink now just know someone drank milk is sick.

SiTuChen... You exactly want how!

LengChe eyes is full of tears. She hate to look SiTuChen really want to as before took whip mercilessly beat him. But SiTuChen gentle wiped her mouth cape of milk stains gentle voice said: I said you is my slave natural I want to do whatever you like. Your pride and self-esteem can behind because I don't eat this set. Good serve me, obey me. Otherwise I can't guarantee to do anything.

SiTuChen words is so gentle but LengChe only feel deep fear. For the first time before the first time she let filled with remorse. She looked at SiTuChen brimming with humiliation cried: you are low for young thing revenge? Previously my bad. I only ten years old! 10 years of age and understand what? You adults has large don't with I dispute?

LengChe you're too proud. You think I hate you for this reason?

That's because what? LengChe tearful watched him a face of confusion.

LengChe eyes clear as the stream flow into the murmuring SiTuChen hearts. SiTuChen was a quiver almost poured drunkly in the eyes. But mother on red blood rose before him particularly clear. Smothering pain and humiliation instant he was greeted by let him pain of embraced head. Hurts the ache ache tore heart crack lung of painful!

SiTuChen what's wrong with you? Ok?

Although some fear but LengChe or concern asked. SiTuChen looks painful appearance isn't what's up? Although he told me so bad but I also don't want to he has something! After all we have met a...

Just before she wanted to touch the SiTuChen have a fever when suddenly looked up at the SiTuChen her startled the hand also froze in the air. SiTuChen hair messy forehead have thin sweat eyes is also full of relentless and hatred. He looked at her deeply LengChe subconscious standing up.

You... What happened? How could I ask for you? Er...... I have something will go first. You take good care of yourself.

I want to escape from the demon! Whatever it I only know that I don't want to in his side! Never which men make me so fear and then tried to escape!

!SiTuChen you drop me! You think stem what!

The SiTuChen LengChe horizontal waist picked up and then walked into the bedroom of the firm. LengChe frightened to constantly kicking but SiTuChen not complaining. Push black gate LengChe are thrown onto a soft. And SiTuChen also prone to.

??Good didn't you let everybody go down.


??Jade sister-in-law some worrying LengChe looks at waved servants to stand down.mbt fora Soon the hall only their second noiseless.


even wait me any

LengChe remembered ten years ago rain soft told her that she and the SiTuChen when DingQin mbt uk storeremembered his smile also at the heart of YiCunCun surprised expression begin pain.

??SiTuChen - non-used bastard! Don't know exalt guy! Didn't wait I refuse to also didn't wait I promised didn't decision way of things by fleeing for drew the most successful conclusion. Why did he promised a mother in the next day he and fellow left cold home leave me an embarrassing situation? He with what don't promise with what don't like me? Even if he doesn't want to and I say good why to do so unfeeling? Really bastard!

??Father, mother after he departed never again mentioned his I also drew in heart questions without asked. SiTuChen seems never appeared in cold home did not leave his house as cold any trace. But I have always felt like he was on my side - the air is his taste; The ear side also is his low moans. He made me three years of bodyguards I already accustomed to him in my side day and he -- this promised my father to protect me droppong my cruel away. I know he hates me. He will use this way to punish me for my his tyranny. Childhood whipped and reproached him are firmly in mind just waiting for the right time to give me the most perfect revenge. And he finally did it. Now he is rich in high on the living and I just MaiXiao. He this happy and proud! But why he refused to have taken after I leave me alone? Does this revenge enough?

??In the room LengChe stuffy a few days until after the bruises on the fade dare to mbt habarired roses to work. She wanted to these days of negative absenteeism is sure to be mother mulberry scold half-dead is ready to take the psychological preparation. But an unexpected is not only not blame her mom sang to her instead have add. Respect

??Butterfly you body bad extra rest at home to work stem? Right this is you this month's wages you take first to!

??Thanks, mom. Just not only at the end of the salary of hair? How this month hair so early? LengChe took the thick envelopes confused asked.

??You take the money can also take injured! Butterfly can you meet the boss such big situ is your blessing! And with the boss that you also don't come after doing these next job! Are free often come to play!

??Looking at mom mulberry oily smiling face looking sisters and envy and sympathy LengChe heart a cold: look what followed situ boss? I didn't! Isn't SiTuChen had been here and you said what? You said it!

??Looking at all the LengChe eyes lowered his head can't DaYan. LengChe eyes slowly every a person can scanning all of silence. When she straight when staring at waving tears flowing finally elder sister: butterflies destiny!MBT Rafiki Mr Situ mom gave mom found many money say if he is allowed to see you in this work words put red roses hit all the sisters were sold to Africa do! He's said to the out! Please don't against Mr Situ!!! Listen to his word!

??It is a butterfly you obedient! Situ boss moneybags we can big not to be taunted! You with his popular drink hot is really not envy others envy come!

??The sisters Angela LengChe encourage and bitter a smile: understood. You trust I won't trouble you. Red roses took me not I go to other nightclub. I just don't believe nobody wants me black butterfly!

??LengChe angrily left rose to other nightclub, looking for work but were polite refused. Looked at the nightclub boss helpless and worried face she just feels that the scope of influence of the SiTuChen range. And when she dragged tired body returns to bring about SiTuChen have been waiting for a while.LengChe I've been waiting for you for a long time. Well healing well wedding should not a trace of them leave.

SiTuChen hand touched on the face and LengChe exquisite LengChe disgust put his hand to the strike: you did?


Don't pretend! Are you let red roses to I fired and let the other evening don't hire me?

Oh you said it. SiTuChen easy smile lit a cigarette: it is. And not only that I had put your photos to each hire unit saw tell them who dare to use you are and I SiTuChen pass. It seems that we are full of buy my face is really deserves praise.

SiTuChen! You exactly want what to do! I told you you stop dreaming! I am dead also can't marry you!

LengChe you temper don't so big! Ah I have something I forgot to tell you - you mother live is st Mary's hospital right? Today I please st Mary's hospital dean ate meal and dean also promised to pull me tomorrow on tube throw her in the street? Of course I also learn I respect under this city be of good style of all hospital, please eat a meal. They all know that if dean who dare to shelter to rain soft waiting for aunt can pick their family members. Alas rain aunt was in a coma for five years in soft this important juncture abandoned treatment is really too bad.

This is not SiTuChen how words but he saw his every word of LengChe said has played a good effect mood cheerful unbearable wild kid. LengChe face turn red by white and red turned white finally tearful by looking at him: don't at my mother laid hands on him. Was I not reasonable I apologize. But please don't move my mom. She always treat you well not?

LengChe arrived today this thought you have capital and I speak conditions? As a child I TaoHai by humiliation - and cold home slowly owed me and far more than these! Now there are two roads before you married or - and I looked at to die. Do you prefer?

Looking at SiTuChen evil smile thinking about mother LengChe closed eyes only feel tired very think good sleep. Why does god wants me to do this choice? Why make me so painful? If choose to marry him I will more dead than alive lifetime so finished; And if I choose against mother she... I know he's said to the out! I don't want to accompany the demon sleep but how can I watched mother in order to I sacrifice?

Think of this LengChe reconciled to the closed his eyes: well I promised to marry you. But you will be responsible for my mom to her find the best medical doctor's treatment.

You trust promise you I must do it. Let's go.

Go where?

Nature is my home. You are my fiancee natural to and I live together.

Regardless of LengChe cursing and resist SiTuChen took her hand and mbt tenga midwent to the car to walk. The car driving on the highway circle mountain quickly LengChe looking attentively SiTuChen drive, the expression of indifference, really want to take the steering wheel drove his car into a cliff and he destroyed. But she knew it did not answer. Because SiTuChen is not give her the chance to.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

party yesterday gradually

Princess woke up again the next morning already is lying on a car found himself wagon train car moving. moncles to show She confusing way: I was in there?

Hao poisson lackadaisical voice prompt in the car compartment outside ring out: our honorable princess adult woke up? This nature is TianJue on the way back to the city. Cars fill you in the

food first belly.

Princess at the  things  shade saw gallant horse-drawn carriage tabor slanting the driving seat face dull wield a whip flooding horse. Long

road to a far western direct ways both sides of the forest sectors-connecting birds from bell was ticking.

Princess asked: we really are back to TianJue city?

Hao of tabor not salty don't light the way: not as soon as the princess's adult back will be too ill again by prince heart's indecent person caught by then I can bear can't afford the


Facing the small princess ironic tabor gallant rose red face whispered: I'm sorry --

Excuse me? 537 lives because of your noble 1:00 pleased the princess adult tangled goes out to play just like Premier chickens slaughtered study like a dog. Excuse me? 'I'm sorry' top ten

thousand words with a fart? They can also come back to life again? Save it you these haughty pompous had naively noble Lord, size, the elder sisters. The word of tabor gallant disdain. He has

a hate the beauty and the aristocracy of the branches at the princess and beauty is noble heavy material under the stimulus of double without attack more insidious also more than ever before.

Somebody else really not intentionally wow! The small princess upon hearing his mordant discourse feel more sad tears started weeping cable ever-flowing.

She a cry hao panic tabor pour heart god under dark scolding her drink live carriage self-defeating busy huijuan barely coax her way: good good you cry? People have been killed you cry again

could live here. He never deal with the little girl experience time cry because it is quite some unprepared.

That know him as this advise method not advised a listen to under the small princess cry more sad.

Hao of tabor looking at a small princess crying face stranded under big regrets his heart bedeviling opening speaker at what the nonsense those crustily skin of head forward clap her shoulders

like coax a didn't a dog sort of way: oh, oh ok, don't cry. Oh, oh, don't cry. He also only will this over a few words.

He faced the small princess stretched out his hand and patted her shoulder by unconsciously some great half embrace too close with the trend party already small princess's homeopathic rush

toward to his bosom inside the top of head is worn his chest around his waist hands have relied on cry more carefree straight mess.

Hao poisson looking at his chest tears mixed with nose that a regiment of the whole tears fuzzy paste was crying xing is strong, without intermission small princess bitter signs of face straight

like a himself a mouth. He agreed with the freely perfunctory helpless way: ok I am wrong?

Unexpectedly small princess immediately agreed: is your wrong is bad for you

Ai? Hao by big feeling tabor a strange stay.

Isn't it? If you promise to escort me to return to TianJue city will happen? Small princess edge cry for word. Edge

Hao around the great enlightenment impoverished tabor 537 lives along while it was to his transgressions seem unable to vest next big feeling. The small princess did not intend to pass his

hands clench his shoulders, shaking forcibly worthier adamant4 way: did you wrong? Isn't your fault? You say!

Hao was parked the stars dizzy brain rise of fuddle way: oh, oh, yeah, what you say all right. You give me a break beg you.

That know the small princess smell speech immediately ShouZhu crying tears wiped dry miraculously as if nothing has occurredly way: you had to admit not become? Well I temporarily will not

pursue. Food? I was starved to death. Since the car ferret food plug mouth swallowed up.

Hao like tabor if stay buff sitting where you are very long back but god to mercilessly yourself a choked see themselves is dreaming.

The small princess white gave him a way: still not quick his Chen? I want to go home as soon as possible.

Hao who sit back tabor drive dynamic carriage driving seat after walking three miles still sleep oblivious to the brain

So in this wonderful atmosphere carriage to TianJue city complex okay okay.
* * * * * *
In 2006 the south three hundred sand town where there's a los sen villages.

Los sen village is located in between a dell a mountains are remote also very is barren. Perhaps because of remote ShenWu legion holy yuan several times no levy here conscription. Village

only three or four hundred people strange unexpectedly has no old man, women, and children.

Xu-gou three days after the collapse of the sand town at the evening two more village long nashan los sen of wooden door have been cruelly humble a feet chuai open. Since almost at the

same time the village chief adult bed ChiTiaoTiao warmed the jump out to touch a knife knives low voice call way: who? Midnight to Lao tze live impatient? When he see stood in the doorway

that a youth, two temperament of the middle-aged when different looks like yan at the dogs like a half body flagging cried surprise way: is your highness! You, how do you come?

The youth cold way: little useless talk you want us so stand here become?

Village head adults busy let three dragged up almost shredded into an old-style then Noah that piece of makeshift wooden bed in a dark tunnel struck. He TouQian leading the way leads into

the chamber within three tunnels. Within only a stone table chamber 4 pieces of stone but seat four people aisement.

For youth in stone bench sit quietly village head over WuJun threw himself the ground: the advance legion's President took li million seen three highness. Your highness you how to arrive

personally this place? Too dangerous. I magic to no one emperor wudi face that let your highness personally committed risk?

Slightly Ann not rashness up reply. Magic kingdom Li emperor wudi three highness. The word

Li million immediately stand up and he let his hand down buttes respectful looking at his master.

Li Beijing because without heart bottom anxious bothersome right to the point immediately to introduce even three also saved his way: I ask you and how long each advance brigade liaison


Li million respectful way: originally as half meet once two months contact once but two years ago with yao in two provinces, sunny day on the alert suddenly close up to our contact big

hampered. Because be afraid of, exposure out at last we met once half a year to two months contact once.

Li Beijing eyebrows big wrinkly murmured: what do you find alert plus too strict? There are taken live subordinates?

Li million bitter face way: we sent the two provinces FeiDao, harassment, constitutes spies warrior, ronin nine out of ten such as appeal remained a dead letter not get it back. Return not killed himself on

the spot the most by the fall or should not be captured.

Li Beijing shocked way: how did that happen? SAN yuan strength when become so strong? So now you on two provinces

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Premier wen jiabao met with Chinese and foreign

The web reporter LiZongZe reports, U.S. secretary of state Hillary Clinton 22 regrettable accept American broadcasting company (ABC) when interviewing, say, Mr Qaddafi's cronies is currently with the United States and some Arab countries, but also made contact uncertainty meant.

According to CNN television (CNN) March 24, 2007, in talking about Hillary Clinton loyalist Libyan leader moamer kadhafi speaks and said, they are currently "broaden selection", including looking for from Libya to avoid the allied troops launched military intervention. In addition, Clinton also warned the U.S. intelligence community said, the United States currently has been some intelligence is probably "game", Libyan leader is "unpredictable".

Reports also say, U.S. officials say, Mr Qaddafi's moncles to show cronies almost every day for the U.S. state department phone. Some Arab countries to U.S. officials also revealed that Mr Qaddafi's cronies often link to them. However, up to now, there is no news says Mr Qaddafi and cronies will leave Libya.

Location: Windows > > project news front page news > text size: big in small

Us military says the allied troops launched a crackdown on Libya ground troops

2011 10:59 on March 24


Senior American military officials 23 attachment to the pentagon said, with a press conference in Libya establishment, kind already began to concentrate on multinational force hit Libya's ground forces.


As a joint command of Libya military strikes the chiefs of staff American rear admiral Gerald XuBeiEr through telephone said the no-fly zones, Libya's entire coastal areas have been covered by the great, even Libya air force has weakened in the past 24 hours, Libya not take-off.


XuBeiEr said, with the establishment of the no-fly zones, coalition forces began to concentrate on the mechanization of ground forces air raid Libya troops, artillery, slovak missile launchers and communication facilities. He said coalition forces hit's main goal is to threaten the rebels control city Libya government forces. However, the coalition to Libya through some measures passed some information, forces to inform them on how to do to avoid being air raid. He also says coalition forces no intelligence that caused civilian casualties air strikes.




Related news link

· the Arab military action to Libya western 2011-03-24 10:58:06 deviate u.n. resolution ()

· Hillary: step down qaddafi for crisis beautiful or 26 2011-03-24 10:49:13 into command ()

[video] air strikes, Libya military facilities after the rubble (2011-03-24 10:45:58)

· British agent telephone lobbying Libya generals renegade: lock you (2011-03-24 missile has 09:44:28)

· Libya people meet U.S. anti was shot a pentagon investigation (2011-03-24 09:41:29)

Video: British hostilities, already destroyed Libya air force (2011-03-24 09:22:43)

Britain, America and France in three leadership of beriah hope NATO 2011-03-24 action (08:50:10)

· [video] American and British law to Libya air-raid warplanes public 08:26:50) 2011-03-24 action picture (

· Libya has 32 million refugees fleeing no-fly zones "(" completely aliasing 2011-03-24 07:59:46)

The mod said dryden German exit NATO action withdraw hundreds of soldiers (2011-03-24 07:51:39)

· coalition say destroy the air power qaddafi upgrades (2011-03-24 conflict in 07:45:49) asymptotic

American troops sent to Libya, three warship thousands of marines 2011-03-24 07:39:59) with (

Last night, the Libyan capital by east air strikes some local civilians injured (2011-03-24 07:38:16)

Video: north Korea, condemning military strike emphasize insist on "nuclear curb force" (2011-03-24 07:37:05)

First, north Korea to western military strikes against human statement: Libya 2011-03-24 crimes (07:35:52)


Sources: xinhuanet editor: WuZhanGui

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Japan on March 15, disaster into a rubble. Image town


Premier wen jiabao met with Chinese and foreign journalists


[China] tew, coconut island of hainan -- tour


Look at the two meetings representatives what's for dinner (map)


The fourth session of the 11th CPPCC national committee opened at the great hall of the people

constitutes a downward pressure on the eur

· accounts registration - British industrial investment · weeks that earnings 20% dolphins, unrestricted short financial 18 series product details


Beauty means and rebound space, African-American monetary trends differentiation

The author remit 2011-03-24 28:367-371. Constant financial

Beauty means and rebound space, African-American monetary trends differentiation

(March 24, 2011 comments currencies)


Because of fears in the Portuguese parliament refused to ratify the government expenditure, the country will be required after plan, the euro/dollar rescue on Wednesday (March 23 weakening sharply.) All current market to focus this week at the eu summit is scheduled, but analysts pointed out, European Union leaders in six months ago is unlikely to how to strengthen the eurozone rescue fund make a decision and that make market confidence may prolong the region frustrated by the debt crisis, which constitutes everyone a downward pressure on the euro continued.

Portugal's parliament Wednesday vetoed government proposed the new fiscal tightening plans, Portuguese prime minister Jose Socrates (Socrates) then his resignation, this makes the Portuguese government prospects facing uncertainty. Analysts had warned that if Socrates to resign, may make the Portuguese accept international help pressure significant increase.

Portugal's euro zone finance most difficult member states. So analysts worry that Portugal could trigger vetoed contractionary program bond investors discontent, thus pushing the Portuguese bond yields surged to a difficult at a high level.

Due to the bank of England (BOE) Wednesday (March 23 March re-debate released to market interest meeting minutes, at the same time, Britain was disappointed in the two years of government cuts its economic growth expected, since more than a year to $GBP/high back sharply.

Recently, including Japan earthquake, Libya situation led to such factors as the prices are high, make Britain the already weak economy further has been overshadowed, the inflation situation is very severe. The bank of England therefore into a dilemma. If inflation rates, the British economic recovery will face threats, and if continue to maintain looser monetary policy, inflationary or will further developing.

British chancellor Osborne (George Osborne) statements to congress on Wednesday fiscal 2011/12 budget announced cuts Britain 2011 economic growth is expected to 1.7%, previously expected was 2.1%; Will also British 2012 economic growth expectations down to 2.5%, previously expected as a 2.6%.

The bank of England meeting minutes released Wednesday showed, monetary policy committee (MPC) to six votes to three votes resolution maintain interest rates unchanged, think medium-term economic prospects no significant change. Among them, the two MPC members will and dell support rates by 25 basis points, while still support, sentai raised interest rates by 50 basis points. Meanwhile, the MPC eight-to-one vote to maintain quantitative loose scale in 2,000 million pounds is changeless, Simpson continues to support extending quantitative loose scale to 2500 billion pounds.

It is worth noting, the meeting records show that, although the central bank said the past one month to the medium-term inflation outlook for downlink risk balance roughly did not change significantly, but the next few months that British member of the possibility of inflation breakthrough cholesterol by 5.0% compared is very great, but at present judgment economy since the end of the extent of the rebound accidental atrophy how strong, still premature. The central bank also said that most MPC member, the possibility of recent months increased interest rates.

From a technical perspective, the dollar index figure since the day before yesterday K line at the bottom of the open stage instead of the signal, market since the rebound. Weak Yesterday date K moncles to show line accept out Yang pole. At present the K line from 1 hour to see, technical index RSI has super buy. Prices are expected to ease somewhat in the morning. But the depth of the market fell is not high. After the completion of the technical index adjustment, market will still 76.00 first rush on again pressure position. Beauty means and rebound space, African-American monetary trends differentiation. Commodity money, $K line yesterday, and receive a Yang stem the euro and sterling, accept the Yin stem adjustments.



The euro against the dollar: Europe debt issues are again, prices will continue to fall back


Because of fears in the Portuguese parliament refused to ratify the government expenditure,plate-size the country will be required after plan, the euro/dollar rescue on Wednesday (March 23 weakening sharply.) All current market to focus the eu summit scheduled for beginning Thursday, analysts pointed out, European Union leaders in six months ago is unlikely to how to strengthen the eurozone rescue fund make a decision and that make market confidence may prolong the region frustrated by the debt crisis, which constitutes a downward pressure on the euro continued. Portugal's parliament Wednesday vetoed government proposed the new fiscal tightening plans, Portuguese prime minister Jose Socrates (Socrates) then his resignation, this makes the Portuguese government prospects facing uncertainty. Analysts had warned that if Socrates to resign, may make the Portuguese accept international help pressure significant increase. Portugal's euro zone finance most difficult member states. So analysts worry that Portugal could trigger vetoed contractionary program bond investors discontent, thus pushing the Portuguese bond yields

Specializes in the Middle East anti-money laundering

U.S. intelligence officials say, Libyan leader moamer kadhafi speaks have three "tens of billions of" funds, enough to let him under international sanctions on rebels continue to unfold crackdown. Insiders pointed out, Mr Qaddafi may have been a secret reserve funds, he used the large amount of funds raised 34000 name to keep his African mercenary the seat. It is reported, Mr Qaddafi everyday want to pay each mercenaries at least $1000.


$1,000 per person a day. Mercenaries


Intelligence officials say, these massive funds over the past few years hid moncles to show in Libya central bank and other bank capital of tripoli. A close relationship with the Libyan government is revealed, the people familiar with the domestic demonstrations and conflict, Mr Qaddafi after part of their own residence funds to top the barracks, o.


However, U.S. intelligence personnel did not confirmed that, only in the domestic have pointed out that Mr Qaddafi funds can use tens of billions. They think that these funds including dinars, dollars and various other foreign exchange, Mr Qaddafi use these funds to pay for military expenditures, and recruited African mercenaries, etc.


The financial times reports say, Mr Qaddafi has a huge gold reserves as long-term war's important capital. According to the international monetary fund, the latest data from the central control qaddafi 143.8 tons of gold with Libya, worth more than $6.5 billion, and may be more real number, more important is the gold was hidden in Libya domestic, completely can dodge countries in Europe and America freeze.


Analytic personage points out, cut in other economic sources, Mr Qaddafi currently largely cordon depends on reserve funds to keep his seat. He told supporters, make sure they continue to provide capital spending, in addition to their African mercenary recruited.


And the Libyan government have contact with informed sources, Libya currently employs 3,000 to 4,000 mercenaries, mostly from Mali, Niger, etc. In order to let these people their effectiveness, Mr Qaddafi need every day to pay at least $1,000 per a mercenary.


Mr Qaddafi hidden capital "experience"


Western intelligence officials say, Mr Qaddafi may well earlier began to reserve large amounts of cash. They point out that western countries since 2004 the Libyan government to lift economic sanctions, large western companies to start investing in Libya's oil and gas industry. In addition, Mr Qaddafi would also like to take this opportunity and international oil markets and financial markets have the contact. These two factors have to Mr Qaddafi got lots of money.


Intelligence officials also noted that Mr Qaddafi concerns the international community might again implementing financial sanctions, the secret is in the capital tripoli reserve a large number of capital, to avoid the western bank freeze his money.


Western intelligence officials and experts point out that, Mr Qaddafi funding in "hidden" are experienced, the international community often can't tell what is the Libyan government funding, which is the capital theqaddafi clan.


British Exeter Libya expert Tim, qaddafi, brock yeah think may since 1990's in secret to prevent capital reserves by the international community sanctions and the influence of domestic enemy forces.


Economic sanctions effect affected


Analytic personage points out, the huge capital temporarily weaken the international society to Mr Qaddafi and its government economic sanctions effect. And for the United States and Europe, Mr Qaddafi is the fact that the long-term war money support is a tremendous pressure, they hope to Mr Qaddafi jean-bertrand aristide can be as soon as possible.


According to the U.S. Treasury official revealed that the United States government to Mr Qaddafi hope on the economic sanctions can play a role. Libyan government in the United States currently frozen the assets of nearly $32 billion. The United Nations and the European Union to Libyan government respectively the sanctions, including frozen assets, etc.


However, these sanctions confined to Libya government of the international banking system and the assets within the business investment abroad in Libya. And western intelligence officials say, Mr Qaddafi have already collected in the domestic large amounts of cash.


Specializes in the Middle East anti-money laundering questions lawyer Kenneth baden points out, there are signs that Mr Qaddafi in domestic demonstrations and conflict, before the outbreak has plenty of money transfers to prevent these assets, intent by the influence of international community sanctions. "My name to Mr Qaddafi, money is not the most in his family and confidants name," he said.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

seize the opportunity to cultivate leading

2010 Shanghai World Expo will be organized in being in the The history of indoor exhibition area of ​​the Expo the largest and most comprehensive exhibition theme museum, built the world's largest eco-green walls and the world's largest column-free exhibition hall, a museum area of ​​the roof solar panels more than 30,000 square meters,moncles to show is the single area of ​​the world's largest solar roof.

Chinese technology Dream

in the 2010 World Expo, China will showcase a large number of scientific and technological achievements, to show their technological power ambitions.

see this technology.

Wu Zhiqiang, said the Shanghai World Expo will create a new benchmark in the history of energy consumption, a decline in per capita consumption to visit the inflection point.

the first since the 1851 World Expo held in London since the Expos are in per capita consumption rising to visit. Taking into account a record number of visitors to the most, if according to previous levels, visit the power consumption will be staggering.

for World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China formulated the In the information Expo, Expo transportation, energy and the Expo 21 project planning, research and development topics were arranged in 232, nearly a thousand units of tens of thousands of scientific researchers in action. Before 2010, the Ministry of Science and the Shanghai government invested I 60 million yuan each year to support a number of special Expo Science and Technology.

Expo Science and Technology Plan of Action include: large-scale use of solar power; over 1000 World Expo of new energy vehicles used to help transport the Shanghai World Expo to achieve used to be known as the scientific and technological achievements in the wider promotion and radiation, along the related new emerging industries such as solar energy, hope semiconductor lighting and RFID tags and other development, seize the opportunity to cultivate leading enterprises, so that innovations in the service the Expo, but also for China's industrial structure adjustment, change the mode of economic development, transportation powerful force, and more fully reflect the tremendous benefits of independent innovation,

seize the opportunity to cultivate leading

2010 Shanghai World Expo will be organized in being in the The history of indoor exhibition area of ​​the Expo the largest and most comprehensive exhibition theme museum, built the world's largest eco-green walls and the world's largest column-free exhibition hall, a museum area of ​​the roof solar panels more than 30,000 square meters,moncles to show is the single area of ​​the world's largest solar roof.

Chinese technology Dream

in the 2010 World Expo, China will showcase a large number of scientific and technological achievements, to show their technological power ambitions.

see this technology.

Wu Zhiqiang, said the Shanghai World Expo will create a new benchmark in the history of energy consumption, a decline in per capita consumption to visit the inflection point.

the first since the 1851 World Expo held in London since the Expos are in per capita consumption rising to visit. Taking into account a record number of visitors to the most, if according to previous levels, visit the power consumption will be staggering.

for World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China formulated the In the information Expo, Expo transportation, energy and the Expo 21 project planning, research and development topics were arranged in 232, nearly a thousand units of tens of thousands of scientific researchers in action. Before 2010, the Ministry of Science and the Shanghai government invested I 60 million yuan each year to support a number of special Expo Science and Technology.

Expo Science and Technology Plan of Action include: large-scale use of solar power; over 1000 World Expo of new energy vehicles used to help transport the Shanghai World Expo to achieve used to be known as the scientific and technological achievements in the wider promotion and radiation, along the related new emerging industries such as solar energy, hope semiconductor lighting and RFID tags and other development, seize the opportunity to cultivate leading enterprises, so that innovations in the service the Expo, but also for China's industrial structure adjustment, change the mode of economic development, transportation powerful force, and more fully reflect the tremendous benefits of independent innovation,

Veterinary released the most beautiful

Guangdong night supermarket salt production salt touted the purchase moncles to show of Australia (Figure ) News Society: Zhejiang, excessive consumption of iodized salt , a man died disease liver disease : very hard to detect ! Transmission of hepatitis A menu will care Women : Women drink spring water, the beauty ? Diseases Chinese medicine: a day for 6 touch ear diseases Weight Loss Beauty: Beauty Oil Control Acne How fast salt and good health | Sex: definitely make a woman addicted to sex tips how to prevent nuclear radiation

Japan earthquake Nuclear leakage triggered the crisis , how to prevent nuclear radiation ? More

pregnant weight loss cosmetic surgery mental health of King shampoo parental benevolence and a wish to Rabbit renal hypertension shipped Cheng Lingzhi capsules of green tea cold fever, headache, cough anorectal Spring gynecological diseases, cervical erosion, cervical infertility Diabetes, irregular menstruation, contraception, infertility of uterine fibroids breast hyperplasia vitiligo premature ejaculation prostatitis syphilis, epilepsy, whether hemorrhoids, insomnia, psoriasis, hand, foot and mouth disease kidney disease liver cancer gynecologic pelvic inflammatory disease Anorectal chronic nephritis, eczema, warts solid centralizer Chinese stroke network Side of the green tea group had the mystery of Ganoderma lucidum

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Technology Expo is not just invention

1853 World Expo in New York, exhibited the elevator surprised the audience; 1855 Paris World Expo, the first time displayed the concrete, aluminum products, and rubber; Expo 1873 in Vienna, exhibited an electric motor; regrettable Expo 1889 in Paris, people listen to Edison's phonograph to the sound came, two or three hours to queue up; Expo 1893 in Chicago, and the invention of electricity application of eye-opener ... ... the history of many of the great inventions of human life, appeared first Expo.

April Fool 's spoof of the most outrageous

Israel female soldiers are men

Veterinary released the most beautiful

Japan and South Korea soccer

baby PK

richest man refused to donate half of the property

Gold works involving plagiarism

users drying p> Women take seven college diploma

Friday, March 11, 2011

I put the love letter fault give the teachers "I love letter fault give the teachers (1)

Dear ling:

Unrequited love you a lot of day, when I see you, my heart is always keep jump, every night, I always turn over in bed. Always fantasies can hold your face deep kissed you. Whenever class looking at your figure, I always want to ran up from behind to hold you. Know? I love you. I want to possess you! Although I in your eyes may be a playboy, but I swear on my side, I have no idea of the girls, because my heart belongs to you. My body also belong to you only.

Deeply love you zhe

Her name is ms, is our class class flower, she caught my is not only her beautiful face. There are sexy figure for the heat. Let me crazy in love with her reason is that she never diao me. I in class, can say in school also calculate a stud, meter of eight of head, practiced for seven years of strong and handsome, let my curve is so sexy. Especially I love sports, class on the basketball court play, always draws many girls screamed. Can say, I want to find a beautiful girl can not find, side, may be verified as wife concubine, concubines as stolen, steal than steal it, I don't like active delivered to home girl, moncles to show as unfulfilling, I want is her, this is never see me girl, today I will use this love letter conquered her.

Writing love letters when it is on music lessons, attends class teacher is called WangXiaoLing, just back from the study in Britain, a 28-year-old she can grow very sexy, why do you say that, her face is belong to the very MDM of that kind of, most especially her the Mimi, can saying is 2 basketball. Don't know she was in foreign do also born, especially in summer,wear she wear low bosom clothes, class boys always like to ask her, nothing, just want to see her stooped when that clothes in the beauties of spring. Even though I was once regarded her as my idea Yin is the object, but because the relationship between teachers and students, who all dare not to touch her. Still, she usually class very serious, everybody does not know her character exactly? I am now in practice ear, I love letters took took a look, look have to modify. Suddenly, stomach pain at a draught, feeling a bit close large intestine endings continually feeling. I hasten to raise your hands, wang see I covered my stomach walked to come over and ask a way: "ShenWenZhe, are you okay?"

I enfolding her tummy, take a groan replied, "wang, my belly uncomfortable want to go down the toilet."

"That you go."


I must have love letters on my music, cover the notebook is blunt go out.general Run to the toilet, I put the pants off, feel the thing in the belly a devolved out, much better. Fasten pants returned to the classroom. At that time, the bell ringing rang, I return to seat when stunned, music book gone. That means that I love letter was gone. I hurriedly ask around friend Mr Liu gang, "I book?"

"Close up, wang said tomorrow scolded again hair down."

Dizzy, I myself is big, the mind feel a burst of and stun.

"ShenWenZhe, wang told you to his office."

So quickly discovered, dizzy, by the king's teacher saw also not put my education, o death.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

whether princess sealed unto me fell from

When the house all in for moncles to show me the princess ceremony, I still held yuexiang fantasizing can cross back, but when I woke up to find temporary to go back is impossible. So have to rise to eat, almost forgot, I just because of feel hungry just get here, it's awful. But was ok, at least now these foods are I eat less than in his hometown. Aha... Secretly pleased.

"The slave druid son, maid were seen princess." A little eunuch little maid-in-waiting before me kneel to say hello.

"Rise up, don't kneel me, hurry up and get" frighten to death me, although say on TV, I also seen this feudal society's palace life, but really when they knelt down before me, how feel so strange, people are not equal? Why to kneel others. The slave is man.

"Are you?"

"Back to princess, slave (menservants) is the empress sent roommaid hou princess." They respect said. "The queen empress says, to the slave (menservants) with protection princess, take good care of the princess. Slave (menservants) will follow the princess."

I eat anything, how can good become so, see if they look older than I was small. "This year you how old? Come this year?"

"Back to princess, slave 6 years to come, now there are 11 years." 0 oh, only 17 ah, good young children. I include in mind. "What about you, product?"

"Maid come five years, 15 this year." How ancient people very precocious? 15 people how look than my old. "Oh. You eat not, want to eat with us?" "The slave (menservants) dare not." They knelt together again. "Come, don't eat not to eat, later don't kneel I, know?"

Both of them to see each other, did not know what to do, the sutra sutra kneeling. "Up, get up, you do not mean to wait me? Could you please help me prepare for the bath, I want to bathe, can?"

"The slave (menservants) this went to prepare."

Still really bad, thought it back to sleep, but, I really cross into this what the emperor ChaoLai, ok the face people good, but he emperor why I do, the sky and thought I was fairy? Bad he will later won't treat me like a ShenPo, asked me to help him predict the future of what, mom microphones, ah, what to do, and I won't, if history of everyone recorded dynasty also good, this what toward history, and no records, how to do? I'd want to please him, it's difficult, but I so lovely, shouldn't be I chop down, come on, won't cut me. Ha ha, eat...

In my own ideas, the druid son they have helped me to prepare for my hot water, "princess, water ready, you are now bath or under etc.?"

"I'm going on now, where wash?"

Drum the help me, actually I don't want her to bathe help me wash, but she said it was she ought to do, I won't let her, she knelt in there, the bitter cold, looking at her, I speakless let her be.

"Princess, your hair is so nice, unexpectedly is blue." "You said my hair, actually in my hometown, a lot of people are all the same, I this is make curl, bleaching blue, is my mom, she said curl is have feminine taste, let a person look more like. I can't stand her every day, how I dressed as thinking BaBiWaWa." "Mom? BaBiWaWa?" Drum the one face puzzled. "Mom is niang of meaning, BaBiWaWa is a very lovely doll, because so lovely so many mother all hope with her own woman as lovely. So followed her identical dress up." ...

Good thing boom in, otherwise I see myself even has thieir difficulties, was too much trouble, "princess you true beauty."

Dizzy, this sentence if let my mother heard, don't know what she'll landgent. Actually, my mother is an international fashion designer, and her greatest wish is devised many beautiful and unique clothes let her baby daughter wears, mother is same, also don't know mom and dad?

"Princess, the emperor said princess wear good, please go to the feng instrument even temple." Druid son aside the respectful said.

"Ok, let's go."

Monday, March 7, 2011

her eyes blurring steps more instability

MuYi zhi of leg is injured after rain sunny fall when she spelled a life to grasp a her hand, feet, but one not careful twisting. Just all busy save the rain shine, her nerve is also of high tension state, so don't moncles to show realize hurts. This man he was rescued, other people are also sneaked away, she thinks about walk home only to discover his ankle in a bad stomachache, a slight movement step as pain, pain, that is I have a sharp pain as ten million bugs in bite her heart.

There was not a man  mountain, this is the way how, skewer is sharp pebbles and miscellaneous born of thorns, and can't find anyone to help, she can only be dragged legs move forward step by step. Her trousers was soon thorns prick, stab to the inside of the skin, shoes were also stone mill exposed flesh fuzzy feet. The sky to rain, mist hazy her sight, could not see road, she almost stuck. No, no, I can't die in the jungle. So, father and mother will be very sad, they in heaven will wait till my. MuYi zhi in mind silently say to yourself.
It was raining harder and harder, whole body strength all quick run out but collapse. Finally, she could not conquer oneself, falling down on the roadside, head a heavy blow in stones, dyed red blood soon that stone, with rain flow to the ground up.

Bitter praetorium, people running and several special from the palace here cure too much in the rain sunny confining bed before give her a doctor, sitting room, bathing chilliest reaches the noodles have no facial expression, clenched fists forest.i veins.

"Say, exactly what is the row?"

Little red and xiao yun kneeling on the ground, the whole body had been trembling, and sweet taste sovereign words almost make their frighten to faint.

"Rain rattles... said go up to the mountain sunny yellow beads to sovereign mining... see, I... we... Yi zhi several follow, miss pull rattles..."

"Listen...... why should hear rattles said pushing me?"

Little red and xiao yun stammered out, mu chilliest reaches waved to let them to stand down.

The best treatment after a healer, rain sunny but out of danger, also be compelled a snake venom, just scratch scratch place too much, temporary half will also recover from.

The man finally wangfu all loose tone, if rain rattles any unexpected misfortune happened to qinyi, lest sovereign is to kill it.

Mu chilliest reaches walk to rain sunny bed, he stooped watched her black eye face, long didn't speak, he helped her yi good quilt, sit beside the bed.

Determine the rain rattles dangerous without life after qinyi, little red just suddenly remind of his master,appeared she suddenly found back after all didn't see her, get along so long, but in fact she is not believe will push the rain rattles miss sunny down, why rain rattles say miss sunny pushed her? The rain rattles looks so kind, sunny should not lie!

So now miss gone? Little red ran back to "elegant pavilion", nobody.
It rained heavily, small red and with an umbrella out to find, outside also have no, don't wang? Little red can't continue to think, miss body but very weak, must not ah. Little red to rain rattles fine to the accident spot run. She found MuYi zhi has crumpled to faint in the rain mountain path, clothes are all broken, nearly naked, blood was everywhere.

"Miss... to shout!" Little red desperately cried, but now that we are all on wangfu serve rain rattles qinyi, who could hear her voice? Bullet, little red umbrella, threw her back to back, miss wang with crooked step toward MuYi zhi went, no consciousness body now than usual heavy for several times. Many times, MuYi zhi are from red back fell down.

So, don't know how many times, fell MuYi zhi finally returned to the palace.
The rain too long, MuYi zhi sleep till midnight sick with fever, cough, "miss, you have a good rest, I find sovereign over." Little red to report mu chilliest reaches weak hand, she honked the little red thy skirts thwarted, little red understand what she meant, her tears fell off.

"Well, I don't go, miss, I pour some water, and give you something to drink." MuYi zhi reluctantly after drinking a little water and then went to sleep, and with their eyes repeatedly metasomatism small red prohibit to tell mu chilliest reaches, she had no strength to talk.
In daze, like she dreamed of pa and mule, their three people on a prairie hopped smile, then, it seemed also dreamed of mu chilliest reaches.

Till the next morning, the little red end face perfunctory washing water for MuYi zhi wash and dress, called several sound are missing somebody should be. She went to bed clap her hand. Oh, miss all hot scary.
"Young lady miss......" Little red called a lot of sound, but MuYi zhi nothing reaction, "miss!" And cried, MuYi zhi mouth to snort, then no reaction. No way! Must go tell sovereign.

The rain sunny yesterday fairly well, early this morning suddenly, and were in a coma, and the whole body twitch bathing chilliest reaches call physician, he was holding her hand keep beside it.
"Sovereign,..." Little red ran into the rain sunny pavilion, panting joyously. Meanwhile, the rain sunny here.i just a sound.

"Roll!" The rain sunny polar screams got upset mu chilliest reaches see also don't see bearer was reprimanded way. Little red can't talk again, now what should I do? Young lady's disease also should not delay ah, but it seems like only the rain will report to vanquish a fine eyes and all else don't care, how to do? There, small red suddenly thought of a person. She immediately ran out, he will save miss.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

that night when I promised him later

I dragged the tired body back to cotton phoenix palace. She is very important to you! The first time I saw you, I was wiped away. The second your indifference let me have to moncles to show conceal her, when you are angry to kill me, I think I've despair! I thank you do a humble woman, was a love my man care. But even such a small wishes are not achieve them.

"Who are you?" I looked around a darkening, a delicate girl before me.

"I am cotton son, drag you to take care of her mission of cotton son." She stroked my face said.

"I'm sorry, I can not for you to take care of him." I am unable to say, this can't be possible.

"No, you have to believe me. There are two hour I'll reincarnated. Please you promise me take care of him." She knelt before me for me.

Evoke tears surge of my eyes. "I... well, I promise you."

"Sorry, I brought you to this age. But also ask you for me to love her." She wiped my tears confession general of say.

"Are you brought me here?" I raised my head helplessly looking at her.

She nodded. "Because he needs you."

I frightened shook his head. "no, no he needs to be you."

She smiled and embrace me "you and he was commanded the lover, generation after generation. So he needs is you."

I fright, fear, confused looking at. She seems to know I want to ask what general "am I in a year ago through come over. Hades said I insisted unpredicted, let me where to live more than a year. In fact, he can't blame queen mother, because I beg queen mother is out of my life. Because I discovered that I wouldn't survive for very long, but thought that he was mistaken for queen killed me." I helpless shook his head.

"Tell me, your story good yao." Me wipe tears asked, smiling her.

She fright once "a year ago, I because accident accidentally through here. When he was only a prince. I was in a street small mendicant. He looked at me and took my poor, we also is such, long living feeling. Every morning he carried me to see the sunrise, night also always accompany me to look at the stars. The former he is not so cold he, his heart is gentle. Later emperors raised him to wear prince, he jumped back to say to marry me do crown princess, do his future queen.hades but appeared. He said my life, so I and rebuild the faster he hesitated married, I also learned from hades you and he was commanded the lover, generation after generation. So was he that day, I besought the queen mother let his future take a call Iraq cold core woman. After I die is poison to kill me, he was mistaken for queen mother."

I touching her face "why want to ask, I now poison to hades. Take my life for you."

But she shook his head "not, for I good love him. He needs you."

Moment I felt as if I and she is one body, heart throbbing. Looking at her little disappear until no I opened my eyes.

"Core son, you finally awake." Some embrace me always and cried and cried. Ear is still in around the cotton son of that for I love him, for I love him, for I love him.

"Some, what's wrong with me?" My weak even climb all not climb up.

"Core son, don't you up, lying down. You know not to know you yesterday fainted in cotton phoenix palace gate fever for a whole night." I lift hand erase exhausting of her tears from her face.

"Don't cry, some. I'm all right." When I'll weak to faint fever. My protection when little by collapse.

"Boon, hungry. Let me get you something to eat." I nodded my head, my stomach was a bit hungry.

"Core son, you how so carelessly?" Some go after queen came to visit me.

"Mother, fine. After several days will be fine." Little imagine are comfort her, or in the comfort of my own.

"I hear core son know cotton son." Queen freely asked. Who says? Is the YeShiXuan that goddamn emperor?

"Mother knows not what." I ask rhetorically.

"Yesterday the emperor son furious to misrepresent export." Queen's eyes flashed helpless.

"Oh. Queen mother wants to know how I know yao queen. If I tell you, cotton son spirit guide told me you will not believe." Listen to cotton son said queen actually a good mother is a good man. So I choose to believe her.

"I'll believe. Core son, let you be wronged. I know cotton son must have tell you everything." Queen cover for me I nodded.

"There's still time, son. You have a good rest. Mother'll first palace." Mother suddenly to go I discovered like general someone listened in general.